What is Parker Schnabel House Complete Guide


Parker Schnabel, the young and ambitious gold miner, has captured the hearts of viewers worldwide through his captivating journey on the Discovery Channel’s “Gold Rush.” His adventures, perseverance, and dedication to the gold mining industry have made him a household name. However, beyond the glitz and glamour of the screen, Parker Schnabel’s house stands as a testament to his humble beginnings and the rugged lifestyle of a gold miner in Alaska.

What is Parker Schnabel House?

Parker Schnabel’s House is a rustic log cabin located in the wilderness of Haines, Alaska. It is featured in the Discovery Channel’s reality TV show “Gold Rush,” which follows the lives of gold miners as they search for gold in the Yukon territory. 

The house is a symbol of the rugged lifestyle of a gold miner, with its remote location and simple, functional design. It has become a popular tourist attraction for fans of the show who want to see where Parker Schnabel lives and works.

Parker Schnabel House’s Origins

The story of Parker Schnabel’s house begins with the dream of a young gold miner who envisioned a place where he could unwind and recharge after long days of hard work. This dream became a reality when Parker purchased the property and embarked on the journey of building his dream home from scratch.

Unique Features

One of the most striking features of Parker Schnabel’s house is its stunning location. Nestled amidst the breathtaking beauty of Haines, Alaska, the house offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and landscapes. The design of the house itself is a blend of modern amenities and rustic charm, reflecting Parker’s appreciation for both comfort and nature.

A Glimpse into Parker Schnabel’s House

Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Alaska, Parker Schnabel’s house is a rustic yet charming cabin that mirrors the essence of gold mining. Located in a remote area, the house is a true reflection of the challenges and beauty that come with gold mining in the Last Frontier.

The Architecture and Design

Parker Schnabel’s house is not a lavish mansion but a practical and functional space designed to withstand the harsh weather conditions of Alaska. The cabin features a traditional log structure, sturdy wood beams, and a cozy fireplace, creating a warm and inviting ambiance.

Living Off the Grid

One of the most intriguing aspects of Parker Schnabel’s house is its self-sufficiency. The house is equipped with solar panels, a backup generator, and a water filtration system, allowing Parker to live off the grid and embrace a sustainable lifestyle.

The Heart of the Home: The Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of Parker Schnabel’s house, where he spends most of his time cooking hearty meals and sharing stories with friends and family. The kitchen is stocked with fresh produce, locally sourced ingredients, and homemade preserves, reflecting Parker’s love for wholesome and nutritious food.

The Bedroom

Parker Schnabel’s bedroom is a cozy retreat, featuring a comfortable bed, warm blankets, and rustic decor. The room is a sanctuary where Parker can unwind after a long day of mining, surrounded by the tranquility of the Alaskan wilderness.

Parker Schnabel House Worth

Parker’s house is thought to be worth about $13 million. This shows how successful he’s been in mining. His fancy house is a sign of all his hard work. It’s a way to show off the good things that come from doing well in real estate.

Parker Schnabel House Tour

Discover an online tour of Parker’s house, where you can see all the cool stuff and special things he has added. You can see how he has decorated it and the amazing views from his windows. Parker is one of the most successful gold miners in America, and his house gives you a peek into his life.

The Gold Rush Legacy

Parker Schnabel’s house is not just a place to call home but a symbol of his dedication to the gold mining industry. The house stands as a testament to the trials and triumphs of gold mining in Alaska, a reminder of the legacy that Parker Schnabel is building for future generations.


Parker Schnabel’s house is more than just a dwelling; it’s a reflection of his passion, perseverance, and dedication to the gold mining industry. The house stands as a testament to the rugged lifestyle of a gold miner in Alaska, a reminder of the challenges and beauty that come with living in the Last Frontier. As Parker Schnabel continues his journey on the “Gold Rush,” his house will always be a place of comfort and solace, a true reflection of the man behind the miner.


How much did Parker Schnabel pay for his house?

Parker Schnabel has not publicly disclosed the purchase price of his house. However, given the scenic location and modern amenities, it is likely a significant investment.

Does Parker Schnabel live in his house year-round?

Parker Schnabel spends most of his time in Alaska, where he oversees his mining operations. However, he also travels frequently for filming and promotional events related to the Gold Rush.

Is Parker Schnabel’s house featured on Gold Rush?

Parker Schnabel’s house is not featured on the show Gold Rush. The show primarily focuses on the mining operations and challenges faced by the miners.

Does Parker Schnabel have any pets?

Parker Schnabel is known to be a dog lover. He has several dogs, including a Siberian Husky named Dozer, who often makes appearances on his social media.

What does Parker Schnabel do in his free time?

In his free time, Parker Schnabel enjoys outdoor activities such as fishing and hunting. He is also an avid traveler and often shares photos of his adventures on social media.

How can I visit Parker Schnabel’s house?

Parker Schnabel’s house is a private residence, and visits are not permitted. However, fans can catch glimpses of the property through Parker’s social media posts and the show Gold Rush.

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